5 Things You Need to Keep Yourself Well Groomed in 2020

5 Things You Need to Keep Yourself Well Groomed in 2020
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    Feb 05, 2021

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  • Man, o man, 2019 has started and we are so excited and why wouldn’t we be, after all the response we are getting is unbelievable. We are extremely grateful to all our customers for showering their love and showing trust in Farosh.pk. This New Year, why not make a resolution that will not only make you feel good about yourself but help you look good too? Yes, that’s right! Make 2019 a year to keep yourself well groomed. It may sound simple but in reality, it can get overwhelming if you don’t find the right apparel and grooming products.

    No need to worry when Farosh.pk – your very own online shopping portal – is here. If you have decided to look good this year, these 5 things will really help you be the center of attraction among your social circle.

    2 in 1 Micro Touch Switch Blade

    Stubble is cool but if you mostly like to be clean shaved, even minor facial hair can tarnish your personality. For all the unwanted facial hair, you cannot go to a barber every other day. For that reason, this 2 in 1 Micro Touch Switch Blade can really serve the purpose. Be it minor hair on the mustache area, nose hair, or even the ears, the micro touch switch blade reaches even the narrow corners of the face and gives you the clean look that you need. Moreover, the light allows you to work in the night times as well. Make sure you buy this product quickly because it is currently at a discounted price.

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    Looking good is important but smelling good is most important. No matter how good you are looking but if you don’t smell good, you cannot create a good first impression. You might use some deodorants but did you even inquire if its fragrance is long lasting? Good deo should last for at least 24 hours if not more and this is what FOGG SCENT XTREMO is all about. It is a product of FOGG that is known to produce gas free fragrances that contain very less alcohol. The FOGG SCENT XTREMO has a very light yet pleasing smell that can make you feel fresh all day long.

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    Black Formal Coat

    Winter without coats seems incomplete and why not, the elegance a coat adds to your personality is matchless. Have a look at this Black Formal Coat that has all the elements to make you shine among your social circle and make you the point of attraction among the crowd. The 2 button design makes it wearable on all occasions. The good thing about this coat is that it is machine washable. Moreover, it is unpadded so if pads make you uncomfortable, this is just the right choice for you.

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