Challenges to ecommerce in Pakistan and role of

Challenges to ecommerce in Pakistan and role of
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    Oct 07, 2020

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  • Undoubtedly, the trend of ecommerce is growing rapidly throughout the world. Here, we will evaluate the scenario of ecommerce in Pakistan in the face of the developed countries. Unfortunately, several insane practices in Pakistan don’t let the ecommerce market flourish aggressively. Now, it is high time to discuss all the issues associated with ecommerce and their countermeasures to help it grow. 

    Non-customer-centric policies 

    We, in Pakistan, are never meant to build long term relationships with our customers, especially online. The popular ecommerce platforms which are currently operating in Pakistan, don’t manage to grow a strong relationship with their customers. If the stats are noticed regarding the frequent orders from the same customer, they are too poor. Now what? This malpractice depicts the level of poor customer-centric policies of the brands.

    The customer support that caters to the queries of the ecommerce platform visitors or potential customers is not much effective. They are not well-trained to analyze the customer mentality and engage with them properly. There is a point in an effective marketing strategy that,” help your customer to make a wise decision”. Unlike this stance, the platform’s policies are only focused on short-term goals. This is not the only challenge; we get ahead to the very basic ones. 

    Suggested Reading to improve conversion on a e-commerce platform 

    High delivery charges 

    Expensive delivery is one of the core challenges in growing the ecommerce industry in Pakistan. The operation teams are most often lamenting on this issue that people book their orders. After the delivery charges are added to the final receipt and forwarded for the final action from the customer side, the customers quit their orders. 

    This is the real-time scenario that actually depicts the high delivery charges that hinder the ecommerce opportunities in Pakistan. 

    Delayed order deliveries 

    An order delayed is an order denied. As most of the customers who avail of the goods at your platform, tend to pay you once the order is delivered. As per the human psyche, one buys when he/she is in dire need of that thing. So, most of the orders are returned when the order gets late. 

    All the key stakeholders are supposed to keep an eye on this issue. The government is the crucial stakeholder because the ecommerce industry can be a great contributing factor to the revival of Pakistan’s economy. 

    Ecommerce fraud

    Several online businesses just tend to sell the defective stuff as they are the seasonal players in the market. The worst part of such scam businesses is that they end up delivering the products other than what they display at their online shops. These short-term benefits of some black sheep cause a compromise on the name of ecommerce in Pakistan.

    To meet this loophole, the government should take necessary steps that only the benchmarked online stores should be able to pursue ecommerce activities in Pakistan. Once the trusted ecommerce brands are the only active partners in Pakistan, there are the prior chances that the country may get a boom in its ecommerce industry. 

    Lack of awareness 

    If the lack of awareness is categorized to be among the top challenges to the ecommerce industry in Pakistan, it won’t be wrong. Still, 75% of the population is not even open to the internet world. It would be insane to expect from them to be buying/selling online. Now, all the ecommerce competition is on that 25% who are familiar with the internet world. 

    Till now, the payment option was also a question. But now there are many easy to use payment options in the market. Like easypaisa, mobicash and banks are the easily available payment options for people who want to make their online buy/sell easy. 

    Counter Measures 

    Getting an issue and not finding the remedial action does not sound good. Now, we will look into remedies on how to overcome these issues in Pakistan to help its ecommerce grow rapidly. 

    Effective customer care services 

    Effective customer care services will optimize the user experience with your platform. You must avail of the CRM opportunities to ensure the best customer care services. Chat support must be as effective as it should not let your customer get away without purchasing the desired products.

    Low delivery charges and unprecedented delivery 

    Unfortunately, ecommerce doesn’t need you to be specialized in only one field for better performance. To overcome the issues of high delivery charges, the respective governments must subsidize the ecommerce industry as it is given to the other growing sectors in Pakistan. 

    Apart from keeping the delivery charges low, an ecommerce platform must ensure the unprecedented delivery in the minimum time. If talked about the biggest ecommerce platform in the world, Amazon just takes edge as the brand is too much customer-obsessed and delivers its orders on time as per the commitment. 

    Before partnering your business with a delivery service provider like TCS and Leopard, an ecommerce businessman must sign an MOU with the courier partners to deliver on time. On-time delivery is also thought to be the most featured thing about an online store. 

    An effective strategy to counter seasonal ecommerce

    Like other industries, the ecommerce platforms must be licensed to operate in Pakistan. Without such practices, it is very difficult for online buy/sell businesses to grow in Pakistan. When the benchmarked ecommerce businesses start operating in Pakistan, we will ultimately build confidence levels in our masses. 

    Here, we are more pleased to make you familiar with our brand Team Farosh ultimately looks into the needs of the customers and has bucked up its platforms with all the customer-obsessed policy. We take pride in our delivery partners. 

    We deliver all over Pakistan with our courier partners in 2-4 days. When it is about Lahore, we deliver right after the minimum time if you are based in Lahore and book your order with Farosh. With due time taking, we aim to make the whole system very effective and aim to expand our operations in all metropolitan cities as we operate in Lahore. We strive to fetch you the best. 


