Reasons Why You Must Add Videos and Reviews on Your E-store

Reasons Why You Must Add Videos and Reviews on Your E-store
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    Jan 23, 2020

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  • Just as pictures take away the importance of text and have been found to be more influencing than text, similarly, videos have started replacing images. With the increasing use of social media sites, the trend of videos has now increased. Messages are now being communicated in the form of videos rather than text or images. People do not usually bother reading through the blocks of texts, and images have a limited level of effectiveness because of which videos are now being used as one of the primary modes of communication, particularly marketing communication.

    Videos Convey Clear and precise Message

    Through videos, a clear and concise message can be conveyed. The confusions that are often left behind in text and images are cleared in videos.


    Videos are More Influential

    Just as a picture speaks more than 1000 words, the video speaks far more than that. The impact of video is much more powerful and long-lasting than those of images and texts. Messages conveyed through video also remain in the memory for a longer time than those conveyed through other means.


    Videos Provide a Feeling of Belongingness

    With video communication, the audiencefeels more connected to the brands and service providers. Today, we see all marketing campaigns based on video messages on social media, because that feels more reliable to the target audience and they get a feeling of belongingness with the brand. These videos keep the brand alive and give a more human feeling to it. Brands nowadays feature videos of their work setups and employees and share the inside stories of the business with its target audience, which builds their confidence in the brand.


    Reviews Add to Authenticity and Reliability

    By featuring customer reviews on websites, you add in value to your products. A number of potential buyers only make a purchase when they see good reviews from other buyers, thus increasing the conversion rates for your business. The trust level and customer loyalty are enhanced by featuring honest and genuine reviews from the previous buyers.

    Video Tutorials also Increase Conversion Rates

    It is not just the reviews that have been found to increase the conversion rates. Video tutorials can also potentially convert your visitors into customers. There are a number of products that the customers are not aware of. Through video reviews and tutorials, you can let the target audience know how that product is used. With these video reviews, you have an opportunity to show multiple uses of a product in multiple scenarios. This makes the viewers feel as if they need the product too and hence end up buying it. This persuasion power is not in images or texts.

    Improved Search Results

    Adding videos and reviews also optimize your e-commerce websites for search engines. You must have noticed that search results in video format are separately listed. Hence, you can improve your search engine optimization by adding videos on your website. Hence, these reasons show how important it is for the e-commerce-based businesses now to add videos and reviews. The trend has been recently introduced but has taken over by storm. This transition from images to videos did not take very long. Let us now see what comes next after videos.

    Final Word

    These are the top reasons why you must add videos to an ecommerce platform. Farosh always keeps emerging with the newer topics that will add health to your online ecommerce platform.  For more health to your ecommerce platform, here are a few suggested readings.

    Ways to market you ecommerce platform 
